Achieve Greater Productivity
with virtual coworking

Join the only virtual incubator, accelerator, and co-working environment for entrepreneurs with a creative spirit, where you will receive 1:1 and community-led support as you grow, scale, and prosper. Receive done with you support to complete tasks, projects, or overcome obstacles in your business or personal life.

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Get more done with people who just get your hustling needs

Look, we get it. We've been there. The freedom of "working for yourself" has another side...No one to hold you accountable. To do lists that don't get done...for weeks. Loneliness. Lack of structure. Falling into a funk and losing all motivation. The self-doubt and wondering if you really have what it takes. Feeling completely overwhelmed and procrastinating on those all important tasks. Yep, we know exactly how it feels.

“For go-getters, internet entrepreneurs and founders“

Choose a Program

We help people stop putting things off, stop feeling stressed, and stop following the wrong ideas about reaching your personal goals. With the help of your private group, you can do more in less than 90 minutes than you would in a few days, and more than the average person does in a few weeks.



A CoWorkThat is a Guided Group Focus Session



1-hour and 3-hour Power hours, five days a week

Based on neuroscience and psychology- when your held accountable and under social pressure, our brains automatically become more focused.


Learn about what CoWorkTHAT has to offer


A daily schedule of CoWorks

Will Keep You

The SLFB community can always inspire you, from virtual co-working to sharing advice and finding solutions to your most pressing concerns!

1 - hour and 3 - hour group focus sessions, along with workshops, hot seats, and trainings when needed.

Calender Workshops

Productive and
Taking Action

Get calendar invites to workshops, tech talk, and deep dive sessions into your business.

Connect and stay motivated with your community


Facilitated work sessions help you stay on task and accountable by surrounding you with like-minded people all week long.


Group Guided Focus Sessions

Share your session goals, update your group with your progress, celebrate wins, and hold each other accountable.

Session chat

Keep your group members in view as you knock out your task and projects you're focusing on.

Always on Video

Each CoWorkThat session will have a facilitator to keep things moving, motivated, and focused.


Private community content, chat, knowledge share, courses, events and more.


We host monthly business showcases, incubators, online networking events for further community connections.

Monthly Showcase

More Features

Compare Our Programs

Virtual coworking for getting action items done.


Still Have Questions?

The CoWork Facilitator will greet you, tell you to silence your phone, and help you find a quiet place to work. After that, you'll report to a smaller group on your progress. After everyone has settled in, a meeting will be held during which members will report on their progress and share your goals and what you're working on.

The CoWorkTHAT is designed to help you maintain your energy and attention by alternating deep work "sprints" with revitalizing breaks. Due to the solitary and focused nature of our job, we cannot tolerate any tardiness. Sorry.

What Should I Anticipate from CoWorkThat?
How Does it Work?

We all keep our webcams on and log into our safe online workplace to video chat and collaborate. You'll put away your own phone, turn off the sound for the group, and wait for the SLFB guide to signal the end of the session. It's just as effective, and what's more exciting is that it opens up new possibilities for work in CoWorkTHAT (making phone calls, playing music, etc.).

Is This For Me?

Yes! It's for anyone who wants to get things done! It doesn't have to be innovative or even related to business. We don't mind if you polish a trophy all day as long as it seems productive to you!

Anything at all. People have painted, written books, planned weddings, edited movies, scripted performances, updated websites, thanked customers, and more. You can put just about anything on a desk, as long as it doesn't make too much noise.

What Can I Work On ?

Yup! It's as easy as sending a personal message to the CoWork Coach and leaving the virtual office space to go into another room or disconnect all together.

When working from a CoWorkTHAT, am I allowed to leave early?
Could I possibly be late?

No, unfortunately. The office "closes" ten minutes after the start time. We've come to realize there's great benefit in getting the ball rolling right on time. You can always come in and find another office workspace with other community members hanging out but the facilitated session will stick to a set time.

Should I become a member?

Our Facilitated Co-Working Session is for members-only. Participating in our sessions our also offered on a trial bases. Just reach out.

Cancellations received for drop-ins before 4pm the day before will be refunded in full.After opening a package, there is a final sale. They are also eternally valid. Up until the seventh day of a cycle, you can get a prorated refund by sending an email to

Schedule a Free Consultation

Get on a call with us and see if we can help your journey of getting over procrastination.

Need further clarity?

Schedule A Consultation


Get to know Nehemiah Thompson, a man of many interests who launched a management consulting and accountability coaching firm in 2018. He had been in business for a long time, but he wasn't successful until he learned how to channel thoughts, accountability, and productivity in a different manner.

Being around successful businesspeople and mentors had a profound effect on Nehemiah's outlook and career. He improved greatly in terms of his mental health, self-awareness, and business production after coming to terms with the fact that accountability is paramount.

Because of what he saw, Nehemiah decided to build an entire community of individuals who "decide" to work together and hold each other accountable. He hoped that CoWorkTHAT would become a community where people of all backgrounds, but especially those from disadvantaged settings, could come together to lift each other up and leave a lasting legacy via their actions.

The events in Nehemiah's life demonstrate the positive effects of awareness and accountability. Incredible success is possible when we put our attention on our productivity and well-being, take responsibility for our actions, and surround ourselves with the appropriate people.

So, I hope you'll come along with us on this path to increased productivity and accountability in furthering your goals you set out to accomplish. Join SLFB and surround yourself with like-minded people that encourage one another, form healthy habits, and realize our loftiest goals.

Tel: +469-480-1634

539 W.Commerce Street #6431

Dallas, Texas

SLFB Consulting 2023 @All rights reserved

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are our internal sales figures. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.This site or product is not part of or endorsed by Facebook, Google, or any social media platform in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of META PLATFORMS, Inc. YOUTUBE and GOOGLE are trademarks of ALPHABET, Inc.

Absolutely nothing on this web page should be considered as any type of earnings claim for what you will earn simply by joining.These products, ONLINE TRAINING COURSES, SOFTWARE and TOOLS are intended to help BUSINESS OWNERS and ADVERTISERS learn how to get more customers for their products. It is NOT a “business opportunity” or “get rich quick” opportunity.

The testimonials, figures, and screenshots on this page are real but they are displaying exceptional results from our best customers. These results are not typical. They are not intended to guarantee, promise or represent that you will get the same result just by signing up.This will require work and you will be the ultimate person responsible for taking action and making sure you get the results that you want.
